Getting 'Your' New Customers, 'Your' New Job...and Having Work You Love!

Getting 'Your' New Customers, 'Your' New Job...and Having Work You Love!

Are you having trouble getting new customers/a new job? It could be the economy or that the job/customers you're looking for aren’t what you really want. What if you went for “your” new job/customers?
Written Jun 30, 2009, read 824 times since then.
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Imagine having work that you love, working with people that bring out the best in you - both peers and those you serve (whether in a business or in a job).  Is that the work (job/clients/cutomers) that you're currently looking for, or are you just looking for work?

It may seem that finding a job, or getting those new customers and getting money coming in right now is the only focus... but, what if you're feeling resistant to getting that new job/those new customers?  What if in some way, that you may or may not be aware of, you're holding back because they’re not what you really want?

Are you looking for anything that’s out there or are you looking for what’s best for you, what your passionate about, what's great?  Whether it’s a new job or new customers, going for what you really want, what’s right for you, will motivate you, inspire you and support you in doing what it takes.  Think about it.  If you’re doing job search or marketing activities and you’re trying for something you don’t really want, is your heart really going to be in it. 

Now, what if you’re going for the job that you would love working at, going for the customers you would love serving?  It’s about finding the perfect job/customers for you, finding the right niche and target market.  What does that mean?  Read on…

Imagine it this way.... if you have grocery store experience (whether it’s as an employee, owner, or service provider).  You have a full range of the type of grocery stores available.  If being able to get things done quickly, or having the lowest price is important to you, and something your passionate about, there are grocery stores that offer that.  If you’re environmentally conscious, there are grocery stores that focus on that.

Imagine too, the type of people who work at those different stores and the people who will shop at them.  One group will feel totally right for you and one will probably feel wrong to you… and the opposite will be true for someone else.  Does that make sense?

Bring your values, and your skills and experience together.  What do you really want?  

Go for a job you want.  Go for those new customers that you will love being around.  That will propel your search. We can feel passionate about what we do, who we work with and who we  serve/work for.  It’s totally possible and it will bring us great success, long and short term.

Job Seekers:  What kind of job are you going for?  Open up to the possibilities available to you.  Say you have computer skills.  There is a huge range in the types of businesses out there looking for people with skills like yours.  Are you a good fit?  Would they want you?  Would you want to work for them?  If it’s more than a paycheck, if it’s a company you value and people you enjoy working with… think of the impact that will have on your success.  Imagine years down the road, where could you be if you were passionate about what you did and worked with the kind of people you wanted to work with today.

Business Owners:  What kind of service/business do you have?  What areas are available to you to work in (niche)?  What types of people could you work with (target market)?  What would bring out the best in you?  Who would you feel passionate about working with and supporting?  Open up to what could be.  Say you’re a marketing specialist.  How would you feel helping a client market something that you didn’t feel great about having in the market, not horrible, just not great?  How would you feel about them and yourself?  It may be subtle but it’s there, it’s not great.

Now imagine if you only had clients who you loved marketing their products/services.  You got to work with people who valued creating those products/services.  It’s a whole different ball game.  You will be so much more successful when you find your group of people to serve/create a product for.  You’ll love working with and for them… your best will come out, you will really want them to succeed.  You’ll feel better about you.  You’ll be more successful, and they will know that their success matters to you, that they are not just another dollar (referrals!). They are your passion, your purpose… what you value.  That will bring out the best in you.

Don’t you already feel more excited… you can have work you love!  Go for what you really want.

Imagine too the impact working around people that share similar interest, values, and ways of being in the world.  That too will impact your life… the quality of all your life.  You’ll feel that you fit in and belong, and you’ll know that you are valued and valuable.  Don’t you deserve that.  Value who you are and what's special about you.  Go for what you want… and get it.

Okay, start thinking about what you really want.  Start looking for your new job, your new customers and notice the difference in your level of motivation and feeling positive about having it.

If you want more help doing this, combining your skills and work experience together with your values and passions, come to one of my "What Piece of the Puzzle Are You?" workshops.  I give them about every month on biznik.  Imagine how great it would be to love what you do, to have your work add to your life and your happiness, to have it build your confidence and your sense of personal value.  You can have it… and you deserve it!

Value who you are, find your opportunity... and have the adventure of your life!


Be someone amazing… be Your Self! ©



Comments on this article

    Career Catalyst & Business Coach<br />Phoenix, Arizona<br />Richard Baum
    Posted by Richard Baum, Phoenix, Arizona | Jun 30, 2009  Flag_post

    Your passion for what you do shines through in everything you do. Thank you for an inspiring and thought provoking article. You have a gift. Thank you for sharing it.

    personal trainer<br />Auburn, Alabama<br />Kate Conwell
    Posted by Kate Conwell, Auburn, Alabama | Jul 01, 2009  Flag_post

    Great article. Very thought provoking for me. I appreciate all that you do Lisa!

    Life Wellness Coach & Educator<br />Seattle, Washington<br />Lilian Mavridara MA
    Posted by Lilian Mavridara MA, Seattle, Washington | Jul 02, 2009  Flag_post

    That was beautiful... Exactly what I needed to read today.

    Healing Arts, Counseling<br />Denver, Colorado<br />Elizabeth Ocean
    Posted by Elizabeth Ocean, Denver, Colorado | Jul 10, 2009  Flag_post

    This article was very inspiring. I normally share the same truths but on occasion, agonize over choices. Connecting with these words, I was back in the flow in minimal time. Thank you and thanks for the add.

    Seattle Printing, Mailing Services, Fulfillment Services<br />Bellingham, Washington<br />Jess Robinson
    Posted by Jess Robinson, Bellingham, Washington | Sep 03, 2009  Flag_post

    This is terrific, Lisa! What I love most about your article is the idea of digging a little deeper to find the types of people/organizations/causes to work with that you're passionate about. That single nuance is something I had not considered until I tuned into your message. That can make all the difference in one's willingness to make a real contribution through their work.

    Thanks for sharing this.

    Postural Therapy & Movement Rehabilitation<br />Seattle, Washington<br />Sukie Baxter
    Posted by Sukie Baxter, Seattle, Washington | Jan 26, 2010  Flag_post


    I stepped away from my target market for a while and went in a new direction. I had become frustrated, confused, and worn out. Lately, I have really, really missed that piece of my business because it's where the joy is for me. Your article was spot on. Thank you!


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