For Extraordinary Success... Own Who You Are!

Can you build a powerful, profitable and impactful business or career in a way that works for you? Is there is any other way? Extraordinary Success takes owning what is unique about you; your values, your opinions and your way of doing things… and those challenging or quirky things that are uniquely yours. Embracing our humanity not only creates powerful businesses but businesses that empower us. As an entrepreneur are you using your differences or feeling wrong because of them?

One of the most powerful things I do with my clients is get them to own and value “their way” of doing things. It builds their confidence and empowers everything they do. As Richard Branson said, “my learning disability has never been a setback -- it actually gave me a great advantage in business… to bring a different perspective to problems and challenges… to see solutions more clearly… I would ask simple questions that others did not. Over the years, asking the simple questions and striving to answer them have become some of Virgin’s most important characteristics. One thing that entrepreneurs have in common is a talent for seeing things differently.” He used what was different about him.  Entrepreneur Magazine:  "Richard Branson on Why Entrepreneurs Sometimes Struggle With Formal Education"

Take time to own and appreciate what you really have. Write it down so you know those unique skills, talents and passions, unique ways of doing and seeing things that are yours. Bring that to your business as you’re learning and mastering skills, trust your wisdom and instincts… learn the skill well but do the skill your way. When that voice in your head says, “This doesn’t feel right”, listen to that voice, to what you know. Then bring that to your learning and do it your way.

Imagine sales and marketing your way… a way that values people, supports their success, empowers them. And does the same for you. As you engage your brain, your wisdom and trust your self more, your personal power will grow… so will your business. And we need more successful businesses run by fully engaged, values-driven entrepreneurs.

Here are some questions, and I’m going to ask them in the way that you may have heard as a kid that made you cringe and hide… but you are no longer a kid and it’s time for you to STAND UP BOLDLY AND CLAIM WHAT IS MAGNIFICENT ABOUT YOU, AND SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD!

So, what’s so special about you? Who do you think you are? OWN IT!

No matter what "they" said, your uniqueness is an asset.  If you want extraordinary, empowering and lasting success, you must value who you are. Tell me more…

  • What’s great about you?

  • What do your friends and colleagues notice and compliment you for?

  • How could you bring more of your uniqueness into your sales and marketing? What would that look like? How would it feel?

Really imagine how it would be and feel.  I know it’s a risk and it takes courage but it’s your life and your success. Go for what you want and create something extraordinary. You were created uniquely. There is no one in the world like you. Own it. Use it. The world needs you to be you. Your business and your success need you to be you. You cannot have an extraordinary business and life if you are being ordinary (trying to be like everyone else). Own and use what you have, appreciate you and all you are… even those quirks and “disabilities” to create extraordinary success and have an extraordinary life.

Go For Extraordinary!™
xo Lisa


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