Let’s Dig In!
Success tips, tools and ideas to help you
go for your dreams, make your difference and live…an Extraordinary Life!
Choose Your Path.... Go For Extraordinary!™️
Are there things about your business that you’re doing because that’s what everyone does? It’s “normal”, the status quo, it’s what’s expected in your industry. Are there limits you’ve set on your self, your success, your business, etc. because that’s what others have said is possible, that’s what they accept, or because that’s what you’ve always done? Is it time to change and decide your path and your destiny?
Are You Changing?
Did you set 2024 goals and resolutions? It's the last February... has anything changed for you? Resolutions are often set in a vacuum... without thought of what else needs to change for you to have the lasting impact you desire. Here's a little coaching to help you make 2024 Extraordinary.
Are You Changing?
Did you set 2015 goals and resolutions? It's the last week of January... has anything changed for you? Resolutions are often set in a vacuum... without thought of what else needs to change for you to have the lasting impact you desire. Here's a little coaching to help you make 2015 Extraordinary.
Happy 4th of July!
In 1776 the leaders of our country took a stand and declared that they would no longer be controlled, they dissolved the bands that held them back and kept them limited, and they chose a new life. What if you celebrated this holiday by doing the same for yourself?
Thankfulness as a Success Practice for You and Your Business
Two ways to use being thankful to build your confidence and your business.
Finding Your Voice
Have you ever found your self searching, trying to figure out what you wanted to do with your life or business. Looking outside your self, thinking, "if I could just find..." What if your answers aren't outside of you but inside, and what you really need to do is listen and act on what you hear?
Open To Your Possibilities?
Sometimes we get off track. We forget how amazing and beautiful we are, we forget the tools that we have, and how capable and able we are to create the life and experience we want. What it really takes to get back on course is to remember who we are and to open up to our possibilities.
Feeling Stuck? Start Moving.
As impossible as it feels, as simple as it sounds... just move forward. When we get moving, when we bump into things, we might get bruised but we get clear on where we are. And it's the only way to find our way.
5 Steps To Success In This Economy
In every economy there are businesses that fail and businesses that come out ahead. The difference is often the owner of the business. Here are some tips to help you be successful, no matter what. If you practice them, your life and your business will change. Don't take my word for it... decide and commit. Try it for a week and see what happens.
Your Attitude and Your Success
Does your attitude really impact your success… and how much?
Using Your Adversity as Your Ally... in life and business.
What if... the adversity you're facing in your business/life right now is not just a problem but an opportunity that holds within it all the growth and learning opportunities to take you beyond it, and help you fulfill your potential?
Thinking Better... to Play Bigger.
In the back, or front, of many people’s minds are, “not good enough” thoughts, about their business, their product, or themselves. What if you could change those thoughts to feeling possibility, thinking about what you do possess within your self, and what you can do and have done. Thinking like a winner.
The Power of Appreciation – Using Thanksgiving and Gratitude To Build Your Business.
When things are challenging, like the current times, we can get focused on what’s wrong in our businesses and what we don’t have. Here’s a tip to help you turn your business around. The Power of Appreciation.
A Prescription for Success: Are You Doing What It Takes?
Do you want to be more successful, make more money, or start a new career? Are you sure?
Fear of Success? What Really Holds Us Back?
I was thinking about the term “fear of success.” It gets used often when we aren’t getting the results we want and don’t understand why. What does that mean, really? Why would we be afraid of success? What if we're really just healthily afraid of standing out and being vulnerable? And what can we do about it?
Choose Your Path.... Go For Extraordinary!™️
Are there things about your business that you’re doing because that’s what everyone does? It’s “normal”, the status quo, it’s what’s expected in your industry. Are there limits you’ve set on your self, your success, your business, etc. because that’s what others have said is possible, that’s what they accept, or because that’s what you’ve always done? Is it time to change and decide your path and your destiny?
Leading Your Team After a Lay-Off
Any adversity offers us a chance to grow, especially when it’s a group facing a challenge together. Think of those times in your life where you’ve really connected with a group of people through a challenge or catastrophe. Think of the bond that’s built. Leading your team after this lay-off is your opportunity to build that with your team.